
3D 14/09/21:

  • Extrude - E
  • Intersect - I
  • Loop Cut - Ctrl + R
  • Bevel - Ctrl + B
  • Add Mesh - Shift + A
  • Fill - F
  • Grab - G
  • Scale - S
  • Rotate - R
  • Vertices, Edges, Faces/Polygons

3D 21/09/21:

  • Subdivision Surface
  • Simple Deform
  • Mirror
  • Bevel
  • Solidify
  • Array

3D 28/09/21:

3D 05/10/21:
Began to unwrap the 3D model to prepare it for texturing. I also decluttered the 3D model to make te design more simple as some parts were refusing to unwrap.
  • average size of unwraps
  • pack islands
  • add the uv texture
  • add the finished texture

3D 12/10/21:
Textured the Door through photoshop and added it onto all the parts of the door

3D Reading Week:
Flaming monkey head:

3D 2/11/21:

Worked on Toy Sword 3D model. worked on the unwrap and started texturing.

3D 16/11/21:

Diffuse - raw colour channel for a 3D model 

Specular - defines the shininess, how much might the surface reflects. A grey scale map, white being the most reflective and black the most absorbent.

Gloss - A gloss map defines the roughness of a surface. a low value, the darker areas, would be rough while the lighter areas would be smoother.

albedo, devoid of shadow and lights, just the base colour, a diffuse map

metalness - a metal map normally works in black and white white being metallic and black non metallic

normal - allows you to add small medium size details, without adding the extra polygons.

emissive - pixel colours at full intensity, emulating a glowing effect without an actual light source.

opacity - controls how see through a material is. black - transparent white - solid colour grey - various levels of opacity.

ambient occlusion - an ao map allows you to hard bake shadows into a texture, this can either be done as a separate map channel or overlaid onto a diffuse.

height map - greyscale image used to compute different aspects of design, adding height



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