
Programming 16/09/21:

  • String - letters
  • Integer - whole numbers
  • Float/Real - whole and decimal numbers
  • Boolean - AND, OR, NOT, TRUE,  FALSE
  • Character - a single characters

Programming 23/09/21:
  • print("...")
  • if ... == ... :
  • elif ... == ... :e
  • else:
  • while ... == ... :
  • def("..."):

Integer variables are variables that much take and integer value: 1,2,3,4,5,6

A floating point type variable is a variable that can hold a read number, 1.456, -3.76, 5.0.

String variables are also called alphanumeric. They have values that are treated as text. can be letter numbers and other characters.

Boolean data type is a data type based off of Boolean logic which means that values are either True or False.

An array variable is a variable which allows you to store multiple values of the same type. under one name or array that can be called upon.

A signed integer is an integer that has a signature, which allows for its validity to be checked.
a structure is a more complex array that allows for subdivisions of data to be stored.

Programming 30/09/21:


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