VFX - Basic Camera Information

VFX 15/09/21:

  • Nikon DSLR
  • LV - Live View
  • 1080p 25fps
  • White Balance - manual;
  • Aperture Changes how much natural light enters the camera
  • Small Aperture > DOF
  • F 3.5 while inside
  • F 16 while outside
  • hold button with +- to and turn wheel to change the aperture
  • ISO is how sensitive the camera is to light
  • shutter speed is 1/50

VFX 22/09/21:

Extremely Wide Shot - Shows large event and locations. also known as an establishing shot. show the entirety of a location.

Wide Shot - Entire character from head to toe and a good bit of the location. see the person clearly

Medium Wide Shot - Knees up

Medium Shot - Waist up

Medium Close Up - Chest up, Shallow depth of field

Close up - Shoulders up. Use to show emotion

Extreme Close Up - extreme detain, e.g. just the eyes, mouth or nose etc. used to show intense emotion

VFX 29/09/21:

Camera Skills:

  • Framing
  • Symmetry
  • Leading Lines
  • Patterns & Repitition
  • Fill Frame
  • Space
  • Background/Foreground
  • Scale
  • Colour

Rule of Thirds - Break frames into thirds, Space left is lead room. Place things of importants on where the lines of thirds intersect.

180 Degree Rule - 

Eye Level - Shoot straight and at eye level.

Low Angle - Looking up. Use to show a position of power and strength/confidence.

High Angle - Looking down. Makes people look small and insignificant/powerless.

POV - From the Point of View of a character or object.

Dutch Tilt/Canted/Oblique Angle - Camera is Tilted

Bird's Eye - Straight down view.

VFX 06/10/21:


VFX 13/10/21:

Pan - To move the camera from from one side to another to show a scene.

Tilt - To move the camera up to down down to up usually to show a tall object or a person.

Pedestal - move the camera upwards to show a character, to put them in a statue like position.

tracking - follow the subject of the scene with a camera as they move around or as you move around them. (while on a dolley?)

crane - the camera is held above on a crane to which allows for distance and drama to be shown.

handheld with a stabilizer - can be used to move around intricate scenes and get interesting shots. good fight scenes as stabilisers are very stable.

Zoom - zoom in on a subject, can show a realisation or some kind of intense moment.


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