Art - Painting

 Art 18/11/21:

Through the use of layers and oil brushes i was able to create this landscape picture. First, i used an oil brush to add the two levels of the land onto separate layers, using a lighter green for the foreground than the one used for the background. then i used a couple of base colours to mix colours and create new colours that i could sample and use in the landscape. This was possible because the oil brush that i was using allows for colours on the same layer to be mixed together when they are brushed over with an oil brush. By adding lighter and darker greens and some yellows i was able to create a more comprehensive field, as opposed to just a flat block of colour. I did the same with the back layer of land.

After this i moved onto the clouds, on a higher layer than both of the ground layers. At first, i used the same oil brush for the clouds using the same technique of blending the colours together. However, this did not create the fluffy look of a cloud and rather looked like a strange solid object covering half of the screen. I removed the clouds and started over. after testing many brushed i found that the landscape oil brush was the most fitting one for making clouds by combining pinks and yellows and blues and greys i was able to create a decently adequate portrayal of clouds.

The next step was simple, adding various dots to signify flowers and sheep, once again on another layer.
work on human anatomy for a concept being worked on for a game.

created a desert hill using 4 familiar colours, and by further blending them to create new colours through the use of the oil brush tool.
used three very dissimilar colours to create a sunset. the dissonance of these colours does not look good in the image as they don't seem to go well together.


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