Non-Violent Weapon Project

Mood Board:
Initially thought to create some sort of grabbing or holding weapon that could hold things, similar to the gravity gun from half life. Another idea was some sort of weapon that would stick to things and hold them in place.
I wanted it to look similar to a real weapon but no so much so that it would be mistaken for a regular weapon
Then i decided that some sort of weapon that fires and plants flowers would be an interesting concept. I thought that it could be a pistol with some sort or terrarium in the magazine and a flower hanging from the barrel.

Art Work:
I then made some simple sketches for further expand on some of my other ideas in case I changed my mind or thought of something more interesting. However, I still ended up going with the plan shooter in the form of a pistol, as shown in the bottom left of the sketches.
After deciding on my final concept I made some final designs for the non-violent weapon. These designs did have colour and shading but they seem to have been deleted? I decided on what i wanted to do for my terrarium magazine and made a front on view of the weapon to help me in modelling.

3D Modelling:

Gun Body:
created a high poly model and then used the decimate modifier to lower the poly count on a copy of said model to create a low poly model
unwrapped said low poly model by creating seams and unwrapping it
i then exported both the high and low poly models as fbx files. i then makes the maps of the high poly model into the low poly model
then i used to materials in substance to create the effect of a gun using both metal and wood textures
after adding these details and painting the weapon in the way i wanted, i exported the textures into a file.

Basic model of the magazine, a lot of this model will not be seen in the final product so not much detail or scratches were needed.
Did work on the model in substance to give it more texture using height maps and formal maps etc. I made the glass clear by using a dark grey alpha map that allows it to be seen through.


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