Work Experience

Work Experience Project:
Play as a trash collector and go through the city (open level) players will be shows both renewable clean energy and harmful non-renewable energy & the harm it can do as the player walks around and picks up rubbish with a net. Possibly walk around the city and see various things. Player could encounter pile of trash with a specially designed vehicle cleaning it up. Wall-E like city completely covered in rubbish with destroyed specially designed vehicles that would have been used for cleaning up. Or, destroyed city with destroyed harmful energy sources and working renewable energy. Specially designed vehicles that work for picking up any rubbish, the city is being restored. After a certain amount of rubbish is picked by player up an event could trigger.
We also created a trello board, trello allows you to create different lists and add little messages to them that you can move between lists. This feature allows you to create lists of tasks and lets you move them between lists, e.g. completed, in progress, to do. Being organized in such a task is very helpful as you have no time to lose.
During the Work Experience Project we both created new assets and took assets from the internet. However, the assets taken from the internet were generally not unwrapped and textured, so this was our job to do. This was the case for this Garbage Bin we used as a main prop in our game. I unwrapped the bin and gave it some very simple textures to match the simple textures of the rest of the scene.
Next came the creating of solar panels, one of which was found online and the other was created by  myself. I wanted a more interesting design for the solar panel as opposed to the regular rectangular shape. So, I decided on a flower shaped solar panel I found an image of online. 
[image here]
I then began to add detains and accessories to this futuristic truck that was previously created in order to increase the poly count. I did this because during our feedback halfway through the project the industry professionals suggested that assets should have a similar poly to size ratio. Bigger models should have higher poly counts than smaller once in relation with their size


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