Final Major Project: Production


I did some traces of drawings I liked the ideas of, wanting to take inspiration from them while I was drawing them out. These gave me some ideas for what kind of final design I wanted. As well as some ideas for the animation I was going to do. I decided against doing anything like the four legged beast creature. I didn't think that it would fit in with what I wanted from my animation. 
Initially, I did some drawings of Colossi that I had considered using for my final animation. Initially I wanted to use a colossus with an arm for my animation, as shown in my story board. However, i decided that this was too similar to the colossus from the game Shadow of the Colossus and decided to change the design a bit more. But, this would mean that I would need to chance the plan for movement in my animation due to the loss of the arm. It was between the armless two legged creature, and the ball shaped four legged creature. I though the ball creature was an interesting design. But, it wouldn't work for what I wanted to do in my animation. So, I opted for the tall armless creature and decided I would use a kick instead of an arm slam for the animation.


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